Smithills Estate Water Catchment Report

Client: Woodland Trust

​Location: Smithills Estate, Bolton

​Ribble Rivers were asked to undertake a rapid assessment of the water catchment and water bodies of Smithill Estate to provide evidence of its current condition and identify opportunities for improving the estates riverine habitat. The purpose of the assessment was to support and inform a Heritage Lottery Fund 2nd round application.

​Our approach was four-fold:

  • Physical surveys of stream invertebrates with Surber and kick-samples
  • Fish were surveyed through electric fishing.
  • River walkover surveys identified opportunities for additions of woody debris, wetland and woodland creation, altering existing land management, re-meandering channels, treating invasive species, and improving river habitat connectivity.
  • Finally, existing GIS data was analysed and modelling used to help identify and provide evidence for enhancing ecosystem service provision on the estate; this last task was undertaken by our associates West Country Rivers Ltd.